India is not poor. But yes, Educated leaders are lacking.
Lead a balanced healthy life , help improve awareness on education among the citizens.
Education is the greatest liberator. Hard work matters, but if one ignores education all together, then hard work is effort spent unnecessarily
70% parents want Delhi Govt School admissions
Introduced Happiness Curriculum and Deshbhakti curriculum

Trusted by over 2 Crore Indian Citizens in Delhi.
Renuka Vishwanath
I had been appreciative of the work done by Delhi in the field of Education and Health care. But I was amazed to see that all parents in Delhi want to shift their children to Government schools.
Supporting Ashok is very easy !

Invite your friends
Ask your friends and discuss with them, why Education is important to you. I will help you talk to them and bring them together for a movement

Healthy Mind for Healthy Life
Meditation and calm thoughts do help you in your life. But are we really tackling root causes ? The worry never goes away. But Training oneself and the community helps us face challenges together.

Why knowledgeable people need to enter politics
For a long time, we have had mass leaders who fight elections, and they themselves support corruption. But the real problem is Education, which can make a poor man self sufficient.
Telegram group – VOP
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VOP Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/groups/678240866223590/?ref=share
VOP Twitter – https://twitter.com/VoiceOfParents2?s=09
VOP Telegram – https://t.me/joinchat/AiFHkBcrKpyDUJKNwGlBtg
What is the right fees for schools ?
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Those who are having difficulties to follow the important messages from this group and for not to miss any of the important posts can subscribe to our own channel @vopkarnataka on telegram

We are changing politics and you can join the change !